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[通用技术]将封装中的引线框用作分流器的TI EZShunt技术,你值得拥有!

【导读】TI 新型 EZShunt 技术将简易性、低成本、低漂移和小尺寸等优势融入到电流检测领域,该领域正随着许多细分市场的进展而不断扩展。该产品系列覆盖广泛的电压、电流、输出类型(模拟和数字)和精度范围,有助于满足优化满标量程或降低功耗等各类设计需求。 在自动化、便捷性和可持续性需求的推动下,电气化的进步需要更多的传感器、电力电子设备和处理器来可靠、准确地感知周围环境并做出反应。不断寻找如何缩小解决方案的尺寸、优化和监测功耗的方法并非易事。 20 年来,我们的工程师一直在开发电流检测放大器和数字功率监测器,旨在

[光电显示]艾睿基于TI AM625的HMI应用方案SEED-AM625 Pi

【导读】下一代人机交互界面(HMI)将带来与机器交互的全新方式,例如在嘈杂的工厂环境中通过手势识别来发出命令,或通过无线连接的手机或平板电脑来控制机器。将边缘 AI 功能添加到 HMI 应用(包括机器视觉、分析和预测性维护),有助于赋予 HMI 全新的意义,而不是仅限于实现人机交互的界面。 TI Sitara? AM62系列处理器有至多四核 64 位 Arm?-Cortex?-A53 微处理器和一个 Arm Cortex-M4F MCU,能够以低功耗实现边缘器件的分析功能(挂起状态功耗低至 7mW 且无需特殊考虑散热设计),支持工程师灵活地在尺寸受限的应用或工业环境中部署这些


【导读】TI的毫米波芯片采用的是FMCW(调频连续波),支持普通帧和高级帧。本文以AWR1843和AWR6843为例,介绍如何进行普通帧配置的配置,以及配置的注意事项。 一. 普通帧波形配置 图1 典型的chirp 表1 chirp时序参数 图2 典型的帧(frame) TI毫米波芯片的波形配置是以Profile和Chirp配置为基础的。AWR1843和AWR6843芯片内部最多存储4个不同的Profile配置和512个不同的Chirp配置,分别存储于芯片内部的Profile RAM和Chirp RAM。一个frame(帧)是由多个chirp组成,而每个chirp又是基于某个profile,这就是frame、chirp和profile三者的

[电源管理]使用新型160V MOTIX三相栅极驱动器IC实现更好的电池供电设计(第一部分)

【导读】MOTIX?三相栅极驱动器集成电路6ED2742S01Q是英飞凌MOTIX?品牌的新成员,该品牌通过可扩展的产品组合提供低压电机控制解决方案。它是一款160V绝缘体上硅(SOI)栅极驱动器IC,采用5x5 mm2 QFN-32封装,带有热效率高的裸露功率焊盘,并集成了电源管理单元(PMU)。这种易于使用的器件非常适合电池供电的工业无刷直流电机控制驱动器,如无绳电动工具、机器人、无人机和轻型电动车(LEV),电池电压范围为10.8V至120V。这种宽工作电压范围使其成为12V、24V、48V、72V和96V等多种电池类型的理想"一站式"栅极驱动器选择。6ED2742S

[互连技术]SiC Traction模块的可靠性基石AQG324



【导读】2023年6月12日 – 专注于引入新品的全球半导体和电子元器件授权代理商贸泽电子 (Mouser Electronics) 与Texas Instruments联手推出全新电子书《Addressing New Challenges in Urban Air Mobility》(克服城市空中运输的新挑战),探索新一代空中运输面临的全新问题,并探讨设计人员如何更好地攻克这些难题。在这本电子书中,八位业界专家就城市空中运输 (UAM) 电动交通工具的快速发展趋势提出了专业见解。书中共分为五个章节,涵盖UAM交通工具的前景、该行业面临的新挑战、如何确保功能安全性、电气隔离的重要性,以及控制UAM复杂

[电源管理]TI 利用两种控制方案降低 BLDC 电机驱动器的噪音

【导读】无刷直流电机(BLDC) 取代了交流感应电机,在风扇、空气净化器、洗衣机和烘干机泵以及医用 CPAP 鼓风机等通用电器的应用中变得越来越普遍。无刷直流电机(BLDC) 取代了交流感应电机,在风扇、空气净化器、洗衣机和烘干机泵以及医用 CPAP 鼓风机等通用电器的应用中变得越来越普遍。然而,BLDC 电机的调制会产生噪音,这会导致环境背景噪音,尤其是在开放式概念平面规划在办公室和家庭环境中非常流行的情况下。为了帮助解决这些与噪声相关的问题,德州仪器 (TI)今天宣布推出两款全新 70 W 无传感器BLDC 电机驱动器,即MCT8316A和MCF83

[传感技术]How Conversational AI Bridges the Gap for Retail Customers, No Matter How You Shop

Along with many other things, the past two years of the pandemic have changed our consumer patterns, with 89% of shoppers expressing concerns about in-store shopping and proximity to other people.All of a sudden, retailers were reduced to digital for a customer interaction channel, and while online retailers barely felt the change, for offline retailers it was a new reality to adapt to. This resulted in a tech breakthrough, which normally would have taken years to ma

[传感技术]Protect Your Business by Learning Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity Essentials

According to the FBI, the cost of cybercrime to businesses exceeded $4.2 billion (on more than 300,000 reported cases) in 2020. The clear takeaway from this report is that cybersecurity is no longer an option for businesses; it's absolutely mandatory. StackCommerce But how do you invest in high-quality cybersecurity measures for your business? Hiring a team is far too expensive. Purchasing securit

[传感技术]This Sticker Looks Inside the Body

Ultrasound scanners, which image the inside of the human body, are a life-saving medical tool. Now researchers have shrunk the handheld ultrasound probe—which typically requires a highly trained technician to move over the skin—down to a flat chip that is the size of a postage stamp and sticks to the skin with a special bioadhesive. The new device can record high-resolution videos for two days at a stretch, capturing blood vessels and hearts laboring during exercise or


C114讯 8月1日消息(水易)日前,市场研究机构LightCounting发布了最新一期的市场报告。LightCounting指出,云计算公司对大型数据中心及其配套网络基础设施的投资,在光器件和模块市场创造了一个新的、非常有活力的细分市场。图1总结了LightCounting对美国前五大云计算公司的以太网和DWDM光模块的销售分析结果。LightCounting预计,对美国前五大云计算公司的总销售额将在2022年增长14%,2023年增长15%,而在2020年和2021年分别增长31%和36%。由于2021年积累的400G DR4和

[传感技术]性能炸裂!英伟达RTX 4070Ti曝光:可战3090Ti

8月1日消息,知名爆料博主Kopite7kimi再一次曝光英伟达RTX40系显卡的相关信息。这次带来的是定位稍低的RTX 4070Ti,它将使用完整的AD104 GPU核心,据说性能达到RTX 3090Ti的水平,预计明年推出。(图源:kopite7kimi)据博主介绍,这款疑似RTX 4070Ti的新显卡拥有7680个CUDA核心,并搭配12GB 21Gbps GDDR6X显存,功率能达到400W,性能轻松达到3090Ti的水平。目前还没有关于该显卡的更多信息,但如果4070Ti就能达到上一代旗舰卡的性能,那4090Ti就会强得离谱。前几日,该博主也曝光了RTX40系最强显卡的信息,目前还没有

[传感技术]Combonation Raises $2 Million In Pre-Seed Funding

Combonation, a combo deal e-commerce platform, has raised $2 million in pre-Seed funding. The company aims to utilize the fund for the expansion including technology and hiring. Pexels "Pricing parity is the number one goal for any CEO or management across online and offline platforms, which unfortunately is impossible with different pulls and pressures of online and offline, leading to either dis

[传感技术]The Company Will Continue To Invest In India, Says Amazon Inc

Amazon Inc has said that the company will continue to invest in India and also said that it is still early in many of its international businesses. The company made this announcement during its earnings call. Amazon Twitter handle "I think it is important to remember, it's early in many of our international countries, particularly in some of our emerging or more recent launch countries, places

[传感技术]Why Community Is the Most Critical Aspect of the NFT Space

Oh, the days of watching the convex monitor refresh downwards as your modem finally made that lingering tone, letting you know the connection to a bulletin board system ("BBS") was successful. Though mostly asynchronous, these communal BBS portals were the first online communities that evolved into the local internet service providers ("ISPs") before AOL mass mailing CD-ROMs.Those are my Web0 memories from the early '90s, and each year has been an

[传感技术]如何利用Particle Boron设计太阳能蜂窝气象站

该项目使用 ThingSpeak、Particle 和 Sentient Things IoT 节点测量远程位置的风、雨、温度、湿度和光线。 该气象站提供以下功能: 无电地点的可选太阳能 基于Sentient Things 物联网节点的易于重复和可维护的包装和电子产品 更新固件,带有微型 SD 卡数据记录、数据存储和转发以克服通信中断,以及可选的自动 ThingSpeak 频道创建 第 1 步 - 将天气和水平适配器和硼插入物联网节点 项目的第一步是将Sentient Things Weather and Level Adapter和Particle Bo

[传感技术]UPI Transactions Record 6 Billion Mark In July

The transactions on the unified payments interface (UPI) recorded the 6 billion mark in July 2022, reported as the highest ever by India's flagship digital payments platform since its inception. As per national payment corporation of India (NPCI), UPI processes 628 crore transactions worth INR 10.63 lakh crore during the month. PM Narendra Modi praised the achievement. Pexels "This is an outst

[传感技术]Global Consumer Service Robotics Market Grew 25 Per Cent In 2021: Report

According to the latest Counterpoint's IoT Service, the global consumer service robotics market estimated a 25 per cent year-on-year growth in 2021 and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 27 per cent over the next four years. The growth was driven by the change in the consumer preference, advances in technology and the availability of a wide variety of affordable products. Pexels "House cleani

[传感技术]Why a Digital As-Built Is a Superior Deliverable in Construction

Illustration: ? IoT For All Let’s be blunt: digital as-builts trump?paper ones.?Digital as-builts are living records of an asset’s as-built condition. They take shape over the course of a construction project through real-time collection and sharing of as-built data. And they can be updated

[传感技术]英国3ti公司创建太阳能充电站 或将显著改变电动汽车充电方式

  盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,英国的3ti公司创建自给自足的太阳能充电站,将太阳能技术和电动汽车充电结合起来,为城市规划提供潜在的解决方案。?  国际能源署(International Energy Agency)的最新统计数据显示,受益于不断发展的太阳能和风能发电,所有经合组织国家的可再生能源发电量同比增长了9.8%,但仍有很大的改善空间。?  3ti创始人兼首席执行官Tim?Evans表示:“太阳能是一种丰富的可再生能源。3ti在萨里研究园创建了第一个Papilio3装置,其发电量已超过4.86MWh。现在全部12个充电站均已正常投入使用。”?