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[传感技术]Get CompTIA Certified and Future-Proof Your Skills

Not everything comes naturally in the world of entrepreneurship. There are many soft skills you have to learn through experience and evolving trends and technologies that you need to keep up with. But if you want to future-proof your skills and make yourself capable of doing more to help your business, you should learn tech skills. StackCommerce Students are heading back to school this month and as an

[传感技术]魏德米勒THM MultiMark LPC(标签处理中心)

  快速、高效的设备贴标 –  激光辅助对准 –  符合人体工学的脚踏开关操作  高重复精度  可通过魏德米勒M-Print? PRO软件控制  轻松完成设备标记  用于自动化组件标记的标签处理中心  魏德米勒工作场所解决方案为客户价值链的各个工作流程提供优化的解决方案和产品。基本上,这些流程包括安装导轨的装配、电缆装配,以及组件和面板的贴标。为此,魏德米勒推出MultiMark和MultiCard等系列产品,提供快速、可靠和一致的贴标系统。通过MultiMark系列


Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADI)和Gridspertise宣布携手合作提高全球智能电网的弹性和质量。Gridspertise是一家为配电系统运营商(DSO)提供先进可持续解决方案的供应商,隶属于Enel集团。双方将协作研发新硬件和软件,以支持配电网的自我修复和适应能力,应对围绕可再生能源产生的重大能源供需变化。过去十五年来,ADI和Enel集团长期紧密合作,共同打造智能电表和电网数字化解决方案。基于此,ADI与Gridspertise的合作将通过利用实时数据,提供更加准确的计量和监控。这不仅提升了电网的可靠性(得益于更快的响应

[传感技术]Unveiling the 3DMCV7 Tactical Grade Inertial Sensors

Parker Unveils 3DMCV7 Inertial Sensors That Deliver Tactical Grade Performance Next generation inertial sensing technology uniquely optimized for the demanding nature of OEM robotics applications.WILLISTON, Vt., May 27, 2022 - The Parker LORD Noise, Vibration and Harshness Division of Parker Hannifin Corporation, the global leader in motion and control technologies, has expanded its MicroStrain sensing portfolio with the launch of the 3DMCV7-AHRS and 3DMCV7-AR inertial

[传感技术]Silicon Valley Robotics Robot Block Party

The Silicon Valley Robotics Robot Block Party is coming on April 2nd?at?Circuit Launch?in Oakland. Parker will have an exhibit that will feature our MicroStrain inertial sensing solutions for GNSS/INS navigation and AHRS solutions for measuring motion. There will be demonstrations featuring the 3DMGQ7-GNSS/INS with RTK as well as the new 3DMCV7-AHRS.The Block Party features exhibits from robotics entrepreneurs and DIY racers for a Saturday full of robot demos, developer work

[传感技术]Digital Transformation in the OSS/BSS Space

Illustration: ? IoT For All Not long ago, operating a telecommunications network was a static, slow-changing process. Networks were built using physical functions, configured to provide a stable set of services and, once rolled out, to operate for many years without significant changes. This also

[传感技术]An Alternative to Google Earth in Construction

Illustration: ? IoT For All Have you ever spent more time than you’d like searching for the information you need? Or grown tired of patching together a complete picture of your project with multiple software platforms and dense folders full of drawings and other documentation? You’re not alone.

[传感技术]Utilizing a Low-Code Automation Platform for Collaboration

Illustration: ? IoT For All A low-code approach to unifying disparate things in an organization to create a new service is game-changing because, for the first time, a shared canvas or interactive whiteboard can translate the ideas humans conceive into live services in operations or the field in h

[传感技术]TikTok测试“附近”功能 分析人士:将蚕食Ins、谷歌等市场份额

8月25日消息,热门短视频应用TikTok证实,其正在东南亚市场的部分用户当中测试名为“附近”(Nearby)的新功能,允许用户直接浏览附近用户发布的视频。对于TikTok用户来说,这一新功能上线后,能方便用户寻找当地餐馆的推荐信息以及同城用户发布的视频。社交媒体顾问马特·纳瓦拉(Matt Navarra)首先在推特上发布了这一消息。他在文章中写道,“TikTok正在开发名为‘附近’的信息流,这一功能将会与视频添加位置标签的新功能结合起来。”“TikTok将具备Snapchat的地图功能和Instagram最近上线的地图

[传感技术]TicWatch GTH 2 升级上市,更多功能更好玩

2022年8月25日,人工智能独角兽公司出门问问发布了全新升级的健康智能手表—TicWatch GTH 2。TicWatch GTH 2在延续TicWatch GT系列高性价比智能手表基础上,深挖当代年轻人对智能手表功能和个性化需求,在升级迭代硬件配置的同时,更加注重产品功能的实用性和趣味性,正如TicWatch GTH 2的Slogan,“更多功能,更好玩”。出门问问小问商城、得物、京东、天猫已同步发售,首发特惠价格299元。外观经典升级,表盘数量100+,坚持卓越续航在外观上,TicWatch GTH 2 延续了经典方屏设计,搭配2.5D弧面




封面截图(来自:PDF)据悉,低温会对电池等动力组件构成重大威胁,甚至让许多月球任务半途而废。对于美国宇航局来说,下一个十年里充满雄心壮志的诸多项目,也离不开无人驾驶着陆器和漫游车的帮助。以 Artemis I 任务为例,NASA 希望借此奠定月球永久基地的基础,但前提是热管理系统能够在极端变化的温度环境中全天候可靠工作。作为与 Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. 就 Peregrine 和 Griffin 着陆器签订的分包合同的一部分,Astrobotic 开发的 CubeRover 将测试

[传感技术]字节跳动开源自研 Shuffle 框架——Cloud Shuffle Service 原创 精选

今天,字节跳动宣布,正式开源 Cloud Shuffle Service。Cloud Shuffle Service(以下简称CSS) 是字节自研的通用 Remote Shuffle Service 框架,支持 Spark/FlinkBatch/MapReduce 等计算引擎,提供了相比原生方案稳定性更好、性能更高、更弹性的数据 Shuffle 能力,同时也为存算分离/在离线混部等场景提供了 Remote Shuffle 解决方案。目前,CSS 已在 Github 上开源,欢迎感兴趣的同学一起参与共建!项目地址:https://github.com/bytedance/CloudShuffleService开源背景在大数据计算引擎中,Pull-Based Sort Shuffle


Imagination Technologies宣布,已授权阿里巴巴集团旗下平头哥半导体在其最新RISC-V应用处理器中使用IMG B系列GPU和PowerVR Series3NX NNA核。这些应用处理器将被用于人工智能物联网(AIoT)的应用。本文引用地址:http://www.eepw.com.cn/article/202208/437715.htm?Imagination在2019年加入由阿里巴巴的平头哥半导体创建的无剑SoC平台联盟,帮助其生态系统实现先进的智能应用。Imagination与平头哥共同打造了基于玄铁C910的GPU/NPU异构计算平台,完成了从硬件IP的深度适配及软硬件一体的联合优化,支持主流的图形加速

[传感技术]Power Integrations推出符合AEC标准且具有850mA输出电流的降压开关IC,适用于低元件数的汽车电源

深耕于高压集成电路高能效功率变换领域的知名公司Power Integrations(纳斯达克股票代号:POWI)今日宣布其LinkSwitch?-TN2Q汽车开关IC产品系列再添高电流器件成员,新器件可提供高达850mA的输出电流,并且无需金属散热片。这款高度集成的IC支持30至550VDC的宽输入电压,使电动汽车应用中的电子设备能够在低于要求的安全超低电压(SELV)阈值时正常启动和工作。本文引用地址:http://www.eepw.com.cn/article/202208/437697.htmPower Integrations高级产品营销经理Edward Ong表示:“随着电动汽车中的电子设备变得越来越

[传感技术]重磅合作!中国交通运输协会与励展Automotive World China升级强强合作!

  重磅合作!中国交通运输协会与励展AutomotiveWorldChina升级强强合作!?  ----中交协成为“中国未来交通产业峰会”主办单位及AutomotiveWorldChina展会支持单位!?  2022年8月18日上午,中国交通运输协会副会长姜锐刚一行赴励展博览集团北京办公室与励展大中华区业务拓展及战略副总裁张燕杰女士和相关团队进行会面座谈。双方介绍了彼此的最新业务发展,并对双方合作进行了深入和富有成效的交流。?  张燕杰副总裁首先介绍了励展博览集团及其母公司励讯集团的业务板块、在华发展及其数字化和大数据运营方面的领

[传感技术]TikTok测试“附近”功能 分析人士:将蚕食Ins、谷歌等市场份额

8月25日消息,热门短视频应用TikTok证实,其正在东南亚市场的部分用户当中测试名为“附近”(Nearby)的新功能,允许用户直接浏览附近用户发布的视频。对于TikTok用户来说,这一新功能上线后,能方便用户寻找当地餐馆的推荐信息以及同城用户发布的视频。社交媒体顾问马特·纳瓦拉(Matt Navarra)首先在推特上发布了这一消息。他在文章中写道,“TikTok正在开发名为‘附近’的信息流,这一功能将会与视频添加位置标签的新功能结合起来。”“TikTok将具备Snapchat的地图功能和

[传感技术]This Tech Leader Breaks Down How You Can Avoid Business Disaster With This Often-Overlooked Tactic

It's easy to forget that today's cutting-edge technology will be tomorrow's museum relic. Yet many companies stick with outdated software, mistakenly believing: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Plan A Technologies This kind of thinking is understandable but dangerous. Survival of the fittest holds every bit as true for businesses as it does for animals. For both, failing

[传感技术]3 Ways to Prepare Your Business for the Inevitable Quantum Revolution

Technology has continually evolved rapidly to meet business needs. However, the rapid pace of evolution often leaves companies dealing with new risks, some of which they fail to anticipate. Quantum computing is the next technological frontier offering immense potential and risks.McKinsey and Company believe that the value at stake for quantum computing use cases is worth over $80 billion. The size of the industry could surpass that within the next few years. However,

[传感技术]How Web3 Will Change Marketing Landscape Forever

At the beginning of the Internet, users relied on multiple software and services to accomplish a single task. To play a video game, you had to purchase an online game and connect with your friends via IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and Ventrollo. This is Web1 — a decentralized platform operating in a pluralistic framework. Now, all of the tasks mentioned can be accomplished on Twitch and Discord — this is Web2. Web2 enabled giants like Meta and Alphabet to consolida