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DoNews 8月3日消息(刘文轩)Spotify 是目前全球最流行的音乐流媒体平台之一,不过已经到了 2022 年,这款应用程序默认的播放按钮依然没有提供是否随机播放的选项。直到最近的更新,Spotify 终于想到把随机播放的选项放在那颗绿色播放按钮的旁边了。在这之前,Spotify 会在播放列表中将播放按钮默认设定为随机播放,用户如果想按列表顺序播放,则需要单独点击列表里的曲目,在专辑中,这颗按钮默认是顺序播放,想要随机播放,则需要在特定曲目下的菜单中选择。不过会出现这样的设计,可能还要追溯到去年英国歌手 Adele

[传感技术]Are Investors Realizing Web3.0 Potential?

Inflation, socio-economic issues, and the Russia-Ukraine war have dealt a massive blow to the global economy. The world is witnessing a massive cash crunch and the onset of funding winter has been news of worry for the startups and investors alike. However, the startups belonging to the Web3.0 space have not slowed down and witnessed funds flowing to them regardless of the grim situation. Freepik Acco

[传感技术]Azure vs. AWS: Selecting a Cloud Provider for Your IoT Product

Illustration: ? IoT For All Companies starting design and development on new IoT products have often heard about how cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS)?can help deploy and rapidly scale their products. Because of this, one of the most frequently asked questions i

[传感技术]What is a Multi-IMSI SIM?

Illustration: ? IoT For All Multi-IMSI technology is essential for cellular IoT providers that plan on deploying globally or creating mobile applications. Multi-IMSI is an abbreviation for Multiple International Mobile Subscriber Identities. An IMSI is a key component of a Subscriber Identity Modu

[传感技术]详细记录全志R329 tina系统镜像的编译方法

1、SDK 下载 ? 下载 sdk: ? 如果觉得官方的 github 下载速度不行,你也可以通过如下 gitee 链接下载,速度会快很多,我已做好同步: 2、docker 开发环境搭建 ? docker pull 镜像包(在我的 dockerhub 里下载,我的这个镜像对官方的镜像没做多大改动,主要加入了 ssh 支持,因为习惯了 vscode 远程开发): ? 启动容器: docker run -it -p 端口:22 --net=bridge --ipc=host --pid=host --name r329_tina -v /path/to/your/host:/path/to/your/cont

[传感技术]Power Integrations将新的三相无刷直流控制软件打包到BridgeSwitch IC产品系列的Motor-Expert软件包中

“三相无刷直流电机逆变器的软硬件解决方案可实现超过98%的效率、节省PCB空间并加快上市速度 ” 深耕于高压集成电路高能效功率转换领域的知名公司Power Integrations(纳斯达克股票代号:POWI)今日发布用于三相无刷直流电机驱动的新控制软件。将Power Integrations的BridgeSwitch?集成半桥电机驱动器与简单易用的Motor-Expert?配置和诊断工具相结合,形成一套完整的软硬件解

[传感技术]Power Integrations将新的三相无刷直流控制软件打包到BridgeSwitch IC产品系列的Motor-Expert软件包中

三相无刷直流电机逆变器的软硬件解决方案可实现超过98%的效率、节省PCB空间并加快上市速度?美国加利福尼亚州圣何塞,2022年8月2日讯 – 深耕于高压集成电路高能效功率转换领域的知名公司Power Integrations(纳斯达克股票代号:POWI)今日发布用于三相无刷直流电机驱动的新控制软件。将Power Integrations的BridgeSwitch?集成半桥电机驱动器与简单易用的Motor-Expert?配置和诊断工具相结合,形成一套完整的软硬件解决方案。该方案可实现98.2%的效率,将电路板空间减少70%以上,并且电流反馈电路只需要三个元件,

[传感技术]元宇宙约会计划被推迟,Tinder 暂缓虚拟世界投资

北京时间 8 月 4 日消息,在线约会平台 Tinder 的所有者 Match Group 表示,由于目前宏观经济的不确定性,公司正在计划延后对虚拟世界的投资。Match Group 首席执行官 Bernard Kim 在致股东的一封信中,告诉员工“在此时期不要对虚拟世界进行大量投资”。据了解,在 2021 年,拥有多个在线约会平台的 Match Group 启动了“单身城镇”计划,单身用户可以在实时的“单身城镇”虚拟世界中通过头像进行互动。Match 当时的首席执行官 Shar Dubey 曾表示,尽管这种试验仍处于早期阶段,但它最终可

[传感技术]How Multi-Cloud Could Be the Growth Catalyst Your Business Needs

It has been nearly two decades since the cloud was born and even less since cloud computing began to shape our businesses and daily lives. Cloud developments have advanced rapidly and for many companies, computing on a single cloud platform no longer offers enough value or agility. As an alternative, multi-cloud operations are increasing in popularity.Multi-cloud is the intentional use of cloud services from two or more cloud platform-as-a-service providers. It enabl

[传感技术]Fabrication Bazar Raises Over INR 7 Crore Seed Fund

Fabrication Bazar has raised over INR 7 crore in a Seed funding round led by Inflection Point Ventures. The fund raised will be utilized towards expanding the team, technology enhancement and scaling the operations to the export market. Company handout "We are empowering micro and small steel fabricators by driving the demand from large, process-driven corporates. The journey is challenging and tu

[传感技术]Government Withdraws The Personal Data Protection Bill

The Central government, on Wednesday, has announced the withdrawal of Personal Data Protection Bill, 2021. It is also said that the bill would be soon replaced by a comprehensive legal framework that will be designed to address all the contemporary and future challenges of the digital ecosystem. Pexels Stating the government's stand on this withdrawal, Union information technology minister, Ashwin

[传感技术]Digital Twins Are the Future, Here Are 5 Ways to Keep Them Secure While Manufacturing Innovation

As technology continues to revamp existing business models, novel methods of manufacturing and projection are increasingly being used. Digital twins are perhaps the best example of how companies marry technology with the natural world to create innovative solutions. A digital twin is an electronic version of a real-work entity. It allows companies to model business conditions and predict the impact of their choices.Research by Capgemini reveals that digital twin usag

[传感技术]Overwhelmed With Work Emails and Messages? Follow These Strategies to Manage Communications

The rapid change of communication that has brought geographically dispersed teams together has changed how teams work. People from all over the world can now collaborate and deliver work with unprecedented speed. Unfortunately, this increased work speed has also led to information overload and stress among team members. The recent Microsoft Work Trends Index 2022 found the average Microsoft Teams user now sends 42% more chats per person after hours.This is not sustai

[传感技术]Physics Particles Fly as Practical Tools

An ancient crocodile’s last meal might never have come to light were it not for researchers deciding to scan the rock-embedded fossil with a beam of neutrons. The scientists had set out to see if neutrons—the building blocks of atomic nuclei, along with protons—could offer better images of fossils than x-rays and made the startling discovery that a croc in the Cretaceous period had eaten a previously unknown species of juvenile ornithopod dinosaur before it died.The

[传感技术]Energy Harvesting and IIot: Sustainability for the Industrial Internet of Things

Illustration: ? IoT For All The world is facing gigantic ecological and economic challenges. Future-proof technologies are to shape the Internet of Things (IoT). The energy supply for millions of communicating devices is a key challenge. On a large scale, renewable energies have long been an integ


内容摘要: 杜邦公司携旗下面向商业和汽车照明应用的高可靠有机硅材料解决方案以及Mini/Micro LED等创新材料的Duroptix?品牌亮相展会并首次公布其品牌中文名,杜邦公司也将同时展出模压环氧树脂材料。本文引用地址:http://www.eepw.com.cn/article/202208/437035.htm  杜邦公司携旗下面向商业和汽车照明应用的高可靠有机硅材料解决方案以及Mini/Micro LED等创新材料的Duroptix?品牌亮相展会并首次公布其品牌中文名,杜邦公司也将同时展出模压环氧树脂材料。杜邦公司携旗下面向商业和汽车照明应用的高可靠有机硅材料解


本文来自微信公众号:新浪科技 (ID:techsina),作者:郑俊,原文标题:《这还是Instagram吗?别再学TikTok了!》,题图来自:视觉中国“能不能别学TikTok了!”Instagram的用户终于受不了,纷纷站出来抗议。既然无法打败TikTok,那就变成另一个TikTok。在过去的几年时间,Meta一边效仿抄袭功能和挖角内容创作者,一边背后游说借政府之手打压,却都无法遏制TikTok的崛起势头。现在扎克伯格已然决定带领整个Meta矩阵进行转型,抛弃创办Facebook的社交初心,朝着TikTok的方向狂奔。Instagram就像山寨TikTok如果你打开手

[传感技术]Synaptics 四季度营收 4.764 亿美元 全年物联网产品应用业务增长 80%

8 月 4 日,Synaptics 公司公布了其截至 2022 年 6 月 25 日的第四季度业绩报告。根据报告,该公司第四季度营业收入为 4.764 亿美元,物联网收入同比增长 87%。公认会计原则计算,该公司的毛利率为 55.9%,净利润为 8290 万美元,摊薄每股收益 2.04 美元。2022 财年全年营收为 17.4 亿美元,同比增长 30%。公司产品的毛利率继续扩大,2022 财年的 GAAP 毛利率为 54.2%,而上年为 45.6%。Synaptics 总裁兼首席执行官 Michael Hurlston 说:“Synaptics 在 2022 财年表现出色,营收、毛利率、


通过现代改造,这台 AX-25 被加装了一块能够显示 16 字符的 LCD 屏,并且可编辑存储在 8 kb 内存中的文档。目前 Riley 仍在持续改进该项目,现阶段已将打字机连接到带有两块多路复用器的面板电路板上,并通过 Arduino Uno 来实现控制。My typewriter runs Linux - Artillect(via)接着他通过串行方式,将 Arduino 连到了一台树莓派上 —— 中间配有一个分压器,以将前者的 5V 输出转换为 3.3V,以防伤害后者的硬件。然后通过 USB 连接到一台笔记本电脑,使得 Riley 能够

[传感技术]美国 TikTok“起亚挑战”爆火,现代和起亚车型只需一根 USB 线即可盗走

IT之家 8 月 7 日消息,大家小时候可能都看过一些港片或者黑帮电影,主角只需要拔下汽车方向盘下面的两根线一碰就能打火启动,随之扬长而去。虽然电影中的戏份看起来简单,但放在现在可能不太现实,哪怕你真的可以让汽车短路。不过,TikTok 和 YouTube 上兴起了一种所谓的“起亚挑战”。简单来说,就是有些现代或起亚的车型只需要一根 USB 线就可以成功启动。当然,这本质上是一种偷车行为。所以近段时间以来美国的起亚车型盗窃案可以多到让警察怀疑人生。据 Insider 报道,这种现象形成了一