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[传感技术]How to Survive Mass Layoffs as a Programmer: Tips from an Architect with 20 Years of Experie 原创

The first half of this year seems to have been characterized by mass layoffs in the global tech industry. IT professionals, who used to glide steadily through waves of job reductions, are now exposed to dismissal and hiring freezes just like their collegues in other areas of the workforce. Regardless of their previous work experience or level of expertise, many programmers are struggling to find a new career path due to the continuous pressures of work, family, and the looming

[传感技术]AI, NTF, and Digital Humans, Metaverse Will Open up New Opportunities for Art 原创

Metaverse, although it is still a relatively new concept, is undergoing a period of intense exploration across a wide range of industries around the world. With this opportunity, the art industry can creatively join the party and introduce more ingenious and innovative works to the public.In this article, we invited Mr. Gu Qiang, the co-founder of Beijing Chu Jiao Technology Co., Ltd. and the founder of Dayou Buyan Culture Co., Ltd., to share his views on exploring art in the

[传感技术]EducationPlus 2022︱授人以鱼不如授人以渔

海德汉诚邀莅临EducationPlus 2022中德产教融合博览会暨太仓双元制教育创新发展大会展位号:C0092022年9月6~8日苏州太仓华发铂尔曼酒店精彩/ 看点  技术认证和持续教育是提高技术水平和确保公司和员工未来不可或缺的措施。海德汉集团在全球的许多代表处提供当地语言的培训课程,培训提供的技术知识实用、高效和符合客户所需。技术培训课程不只在德国总部提供。  在被誉为“世界技能奥林匹克”的世界技能大赛上,配备海德汉TNC 128数控系统的机床还是制造团队挑战赛、工业机械装调、


“Eric每年都会回老家,就在去年他看到老家的屋顶上新竖起了一排排的太阳能光伏板,立刻意识到乡亲们能够从中带来一定的收益,作为德州仪器(TI)新能源应用的技术专家,他很欣慰。其实Eric的家乡正是全国如火如荼推进的光伏发电(即太阳能)中的一朵小浪花。 ” Eric每年都会回老家,就在去年他看到老家的屋顶上新竖起了一排排的太阳能光伏板,立刻意识到乡亲们能够从中带来

[传感技术]eUICC and Multi-IMSI: Global Roaming Solutions for IoT Deployments

More Internet of Things (IoT) devices are coming online every year — growing from an estimated 13 billion in 2020 to 24 billion by 2025, according to GSMA Intelligence. An increasing percentage of IoT projects require connectivity. Sixty-four percent require national coverage, and 34% need international coverage for global roaming.??Connecting devices for global coverage can be challenging, hard to manage and can increase overall costs. Roaming SIMs — par

[传感技术]中国移动研究院成立CFITI新型智算开放实验室 华为首家入驻

9月7日,中国移动研究院成立CFITI(CFN Innovative Test Infrastructure)新型智算开放实验室,华为作为首家成员入驻。为加速算力网络创新发展,中国移动于2022年7月底正式启动算力网络创新示范网—CFITI。CFITI以推进构建国家算力网络大科学装置为目标方向,锚定新技术实验床、国家示范基地、产业聚合平台和新业态孵化器四大定位,形成AB双平面布局和“1+9+9”节点规划,开展算网基础设施、融合业务创新、前沿原创技术三条主线的新技术及新业务验证。随着AI技术成熟落地的节奏加快,以智算为中心的算力基础设施发展迅

[传感技术]GOODRAM推出IRDM Ultimate PCIe Gen 5 M.2 SSD 传输速度10000MB/s

虽然该公司仍在努力实现突破规范速度上限的目标,但GOODRAM推出的IRDM Ultimate将提供10000MB/s的读取速度和9500MB/s的写入速度。该公司的这款新固态硬盘自然成为了他们制造的最快的固态硬盘。GOODRAM的新款存储设备采用了Phison E26控制器,可以访问3D三层单元闪存(TLC)模块。3D TLC闪存是一种NAND闪存,每个数据单元存储三个比特。这种闪存还有X3、MLC-3和3bit-MLC等名称。3D TLC闪存模块最常见的用途是消费类固态硬盘、手机存储卡、数码相机存储、USB驱动器和商业级

[传感技术]ABB与Hydrogen Optimized深化合作伙伴关系

  近日,ABB与加拿大大规模绿色制氢技术创新企业Hydrogen Optimized Inc. (HOI)签署了一项合作协议,旨在深化双方现有的战略合作关系。该协议包括ABB对HOI母公司Key DH Technologies Inc.(KEY)进行投资,来加快双方在新兴绿色制氢细分市场的发展。该协议的财务条款尚未披露。  通过加快ABB和HOI

[传感技术]FOR-U Smart Freight's CTO Chen Guanling Talks about Applications of Autonomous Driving in L 原创 精选

Autonomous driving technology plays a crucial role in promoting smart transportation. Among various modes of transportation, road transport in line-haul logistics is relatively standard, therefore many experts believe that line-haul logistics may become a trial ground for autonomous driving systems.As part of this year's AISummit hosted by 51CTO, Dr. Chen Guanling, CTO of FOR-U Smart Freight, presented a keynote speech entitled "Applications of Autonomous Driving in Li

[传感技术]AISummit 2022 Presents Fascinating Development in Artificial Intelligence 原创 精选

Despite ups and downs, artificial intelligence has made significant advancements in the past few decades and is gradually transforming industries such as finance, healthcare, and transportation. At the forefront of the development and implementation of AI, how should we view the technology, and what innovations will it bring in the next decade? This year's AISummit may have uncovered some answers to your questions.On August 6, 2022, the global technology conference was hel

[传感技术]Product VP at Cloudcy.cn Introduced How AIOps and Observability Streamline Cloud-native Oper 原创 精选

While cloud computing brings a?number of benefits such as intensification, efficiency, elasticity, and?business agility, it also poses unprecedented challenges to the field of cloud?operations. In this regard, adapting to new technology trends, creating an?intelligent monitoring platform in the cloud era, and achieving better?protection for cloud-based applications have become imperative for enterprises?today.In this article, we invited Mr.?Zhang Huaipeng, product VP of Cloudc

[传感技术]Geyecloud's Technology Director Explains How Artificial Intelligence Assists in Detection of 原创 精选

Advanced persistent threats (APT) are hard to be detected because of their variability and strong invisibility. To combat them, enterprises have been seeking methods such as adopting artificial intelligence to solve this problem more efficiently and accurately.In this article, we invited Mr. Fu Jixiang, Technology Director of Geyecloud.com, to share his insights on how artificial intelligence can help to tackle security issues that used to be challenging to resolve with tradit

[传感技术]Tech Director of Dosec.cn Discusses Best Practices for Cloud-native Security Architecture De 原创 精选

With its efficient, stable, and?responsive features, cloud-native has become a key driver of digital innovation?in enterprises. At the same time, security risks are also increasing in?cloud-native environments, prompting enterprises to seek appropriate architecture design solutions.In this article, we invited Mr. Bai?Liming, technology director of Dosec.cn, to present some best practices for building cloud-native?security architectures based on the company's expertise and

[传感技术]How Instrumentation-based IAST and RASP Revolutionize Vulnerability Assessment for Applicati 原创 精选

Gartner has listed IAST and RASP as among its top ten security technologies for many years. These two instrumentation-based approaches, like vaccines for codes, have become increasingly popular tools to uncover and mitigate application vulnerabilities.In this article, we invited Mr. Ning Ge, CTO of XMIRROR, ?to introduce the principles, technologies, and practical scenarios of ISAT and RASP in vulnerability assessment for application security.The "code vaccine": ISAT a



[传感技术]Ultra-Wideband: Theorizing Pinpoint Construction Asset Tracking

Illustration: ? IoT For All If you have a smartphone—which is likely—there’s a good chance it’s an Apple iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy It’s also likely that you’ve heard the term “ultra-wideband” thrown around by both brands. But what is ultra-wideband, and could it have real application in o

[传感技术]中国移动研究院成立 CFITI 新型智算开放实验室,华为作为首家成员入驻

9 月 7 日,中国移动研究院成立 CFITI(CFN Innovative Test Infrastructure)新型智算开放实验室,华为作为首家成员入驻。中国移动研究院院长黄宇红、华为计算产品线总裁邓泰华等领导为实验室揭牌,中国移动通信集团有限公司副总经理高同庆、华为公司常务董事汪涛等领导共同见证揭牌,中国移动通信集团有限公司技术部总经理王晓云、中国移动信息技术中心 (公司) 总经理徐海勇、中国移动研究院副院长段晓东等领导出席。当前算力已成为数字经济核心发展动力,为支撑全社会数智化转型,中国移

[传感技术]锐思华创自主研发基于LBS的口袋尺寸PGU模组 -- Optical Core@

深圳2022年9月9日 /美通社/ -- 近日,全球领先的ARHUD方案解决商深圳市锐思华创技术有限公司宣布,基于LBS技术路线的PGU模组已完成第三代更新,推出口袋尺寸的PGU模组 -- Optical Core@,并向推进车规级模组落地正式迈进。 随着L2及L2+的高级辅助驾驶功能加速上车,中国逐步进入"人机共驾"阶段。在此阶段汽车安全性与人车交互性成为车企与产业链上下游企业重点关注的方向。在汽车智能化的深入发展下,HUD作为可提升驾驶员安全与交互便捷的系统,愈发被整车厂以及相关产业链供应商重视,HUD正在加速量产上

[传感技术]Teledyne e2v 发布了统包式MIPI光学模组 Optimom 2M,用于快速轻松地开发视觉系统

  Teledyne e2v 宣布发布其 2百万像素Optimom?,这是 MIPI CSI-2 光学模组系列中的第一款产品。Optimom 采用 Teledyne e2v 专有图像传感器技术,经过精心设计,确保最小化视觉嵌入式系统开发的工作量,快速投入机器人、物流、无人机或实验室设备的应用。  Optimom? 2M 具有 MIPI CSI-2 协议和标准 FPC 连接器,可与嵌入式处理板连接。使用专用开发工具包 (Development Kit) 可即刻实现集成,该工具包包括用于硬件集成的适配器板和用于直接与 NVIDIA Jetson 或 NXP i.MX