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【导读】KWIK(技术诀窍与综合知识)电路应用笔记提供应对特定设计挑战的分步指南。对于给定的一组应用电路要求,本文说明了如何利用通用公式应对这些要求,并使它们轻松扩展到其他类似的应用规格。该传感器模型支持对电阻温度检测器(RTD)的电气和物理特性进行SPICE仿真。SPICE模型使用了描述RTD(其将温度转化为电阻)物理行为特性的参数。它还提供了一个典型的激励和信号调理电路,利用该电路可演示RTD模型的行为。 RTD概述 RTD是阻性元件,其电阻随温度变化而变化。RTD的行为已为人所熟知,可用于进行精密温度测量,精度可达0.1°C以下


【导读】Charley Moser拥有EE博士学位,是我最早的模拟设计导师之一。从他那里,我学到了很多知识——混合pi晶体管建模、用于稳定性分析的Bode图对最小相位系统的限制、为什么要使用缓冲器以及如何设计缓冲器、防止击穿的双极基极拉电流、SCR在高温下的使用等。其中,如何在高电压下调节低功率是最引人注目的创新;这对我来说极具价值,因为我是多家仪器公司带电粒子光学方案中所用高压电源设计领域的高手。 他教我用接地基极高压晶体管进行并联调节,并通过运算放大器驱动发射极。晶体管的增益带宽将在其fT下降低3dB。用低电压输入控制高

[电路保护]通过 SPICE 仿真预测 VDS 开关尖峰

【导读】电源行业的主要目标之一是为数据中心和5G等应用中的电源设备带来更高的电源转换效率和功率密度。与具有单独驱动器 IC 的传统分立 MOSFET 相比,将驱动器电路和功率 MOSFET(称为 DrMOS)集成到 IC 中可提高功率密度和效率。 电源行业的主要目标之一是为数据中心和5G等应用中的电源设备带来更高的电源转换效率和功率密度。与具有单独驱动器 IC 的传统分立 MOSFET 相比,将驱动器电路和功率 MOSFET(称为 DrMOS)集成到 IC 中可提高功率密度和效率。 此外,DrMOS 的倒装芯片技术通过缩短响应时间和减小芯片与封装之间的电感,进一步

[传感技术]Global Consumer Service Robotics Market Grew 25 Per Cent In 2021: Report

According to the latest Counterpoint's IoT Service, the global consumer service robotics market estimated a 25 per cent year-on-year growth in 2021 and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 27 per cent over the next four years. The growth was driven by the change in the consumer preference, advances in technology and the availability of a wide variety of affordable products. Pexels "House cleani


2021年11月11日,「D Forum 2021 微控制器论坛」在台北华南银行总行会议中心举行,活动现场热闹非凡。据主办方DIGITIMES统计,活动当天早上10点到场观众已达200余人次。兆易创新GD32 MCU在黄金位置的摊位重点展示了最新发布的产品,与IAR Systems、Tencent共同推出的MCU开发套件,以及一系列电机驱动和电源Demo。GigaDevice MCU销售经理杨永圣(Kim Yang)以「GD32以广泛布局驱动MCU创新」为题进行分享。针对MCU产品所关注的主流趋势,包括物联网(IoT)、工业控制和智慧家庭的应用,随着IoT装置不断走


兆易创新GigaDevice GD32FFPRTGU6指纹识别专用MCU,以增强的处理能力、全面优化的资源配置和极佳的功耗比助力指纹识别算法的应用与普及,并为指纹识别系统提供安全高速又极具成本优势的硬件开发平台。日前,业界领先的半导体供应商兆易创新(GigaDevice)宣布GD32 MCU家族全新推出指纹识别FPR (Fingerprint Recognition)系列专用MCU,可为指纹识别系统提供安全高速又极具成本优势的硬件开发平台。指纹识别技术作为一种稳定可靠的信息保护和身份确认技术日益得到广泛应用并具有广阔的市场前景,全新G

[传感技术]售价低至30美分:GigaDevice GD32F330/350系列多款超值型Cortex?-M4 MCU现已面世

GigaDevice GD32F330/350系列Cortex?-M4内核通用MCU,批量订货价格低至30美分。以超值主频、超值外设、超值功能和超值成本提供超值应用的开发首选。无与伦比的超值特性在业界再次刷新高性价比MCU纪录。日前,业界领先的半导体供应商兆易创新(GigaDevice)为进一步扩大GD32 Cortex?-M4内核MCU的选择范围,正式推出主频高达108MHz 的GD32F330/350多个系列超值型微控制器新品。作为GD32微控制器家族的最新成员, GD32F330/350系列提供了多达29个产品型号,包括LQFP64、LQFP48、QFN32、QFN28以及TSSOP

[传感技术]兆易创新GigaDevice发布GD32F405/407系列 多款高性能互联型Cortex?-M4 MCU

GigaDevice GD32F405/407系列全新互联型MCU基于168MHz Cortex?-M4内核,持续以业界领先的处理效率和丰富的高性能外设接口,为工控和物联网等设备互联需求提供高性价比解决方案。日前,业界领先的半导体供应商兆易创新GigaDevice全新发布基于168MHz Cortex?-M4内核的GD32F405/407系列高性能互联型微控制器。该系列产品设计旨在满足高性能计算需求的前提下,为广泛的互联型应用提供更多高性能的工业标准接口。作为GD32微控制器家族的最新成员,GD32F405和GD32F407系列包含了多达24个产品型号选择,并

[传感技术]GigaDevice推出GD32F450系列高性能200MHz主频Cortex-M4 MCU

GigaDevice GD32F450系列全新32位通用MCU基于200MHz Cortex?-M4内核,持续以业界领先的强大处理效能与低功耗、高集成度、高可靠性和易用性的最佳组合,为工业控制与物联网等高性能计算需求提供高性价比解决方案。日前,业界领先的半导体供应商GigaDevice (兆易创新)全新推出基于ARM? Cortex?-M4内核的GD32F450系列高性能微控制器,并以200MHz的工作主频在业界首次将ARM? Cortex?-M4内核的处理能力发挥到极致。作为GD32 MCU家族Cortex?-M4内核的首个旗舰产品系列,GD32F450采用了业界领先的半导体工

[传感技术]GigaDevice推出全新GD32F450系列Cortex?-M4 内核MCU,开启高性能运算新篇章

GigaDevice GD32F450系列全新32位通用MCU基于200MHz Cortex-M4内核,持续发挥ARM技术的核心优势,以业界领先的强大处理效能与低功耗、高集成度、高可靠性和易用性的最佳组合,为工业控制与物联网等高性能计算需求提供高性价比解决方案。近日,业界领先的半导体供应商GigaDevice (兆易创新)与全球知名半导体及处理器IP提供商ARM合作,致力于工业控制和物联网领域新型微控制器产品的技术研发。目前已经正式推出基于ARM? Cortex?-M4内核的GD32F450系列高性能微控制器,并以200MHz的工作主频将ARM? Cor

[传感技术]This 'Amazon's Choice' Radio Is Now Less Expensive Than on Amazon

The joys of remote work are many and, seemingly, they're here to stay. One of those principal benefits is the ability to take your work anywhere, adopting a nomadic lifestyle to see the world without sacrificing your paycheck. If you're one of the millions of people who are taking to the roads or skies this summer, then you might enjoy the Eton Elite Traveler Radio & Custom Leather Carry Cover as a trusty travel companion.

[传感技术]Learn Microsoft Office for Less Than $30

If there's one thing that practically everybody in the business world has on their resumes, it's Microsoft Office. Most of us have used Microsoft Office at some point, either in school or at a previous job. But do you really know Office well enough to count it as a skill that sets you apart from somebody else? StackCommerce If you don't, you should. And this accredited Microsoft Office bun

[传感技术]This Docking Station Offers 13 Ports for Multi-Device Use

Remote work is here to stay which means you're going to need to have a comfortable workspace that you can rely on every day. There are many things that can help make a home office feel more conducive to productivity. But if you have a number of devices to connect and access throughout your day, the most important thing you can have is flexibility. Tech Zebra With a 13-in-1 Docking Station with Dua

[传感技术]Protect Your Business From the Dark Web with This Service

Cybercrime is rampant, with hackers coming up with new ways to steal your data all the time. It's not just the big companies that are at risk, either. According to one study, small businesses are actually more likely to experience a cyber attack than big companies. Insecure Web There are many ways to take measures to protect your company's data. From VPNs to anti-malware software, it's rel

[传感技术]Edge Vs. Cloud Computing: Which Solution Is Better For Your Connected Device?

Illustration: ? IoT For All If you’re developing an IoT device, odds are that you want it to do some valuable computations to solve an important problem. Maybe you want to?deploy sensors in remote locations, develop a device that can perform data analytics to monitor a renewable energy source, or

[传感技术]HyperJuice 245W USB-C氮化镓充电头和移动电源现已上市

该公司在新闻稿中称,新款 245W HyperJuice 桌面充电器配备了四个 USB-C 端口,支持 100W PD 供电。你可同时连接 16 英寸 MacBook Pro、iPhone 和 iPad Pro,或带动四台 60W 的超极本。其次是内置了 27000 mAh“超大容量”(100 Wh)电池,支持 245W 功率输出的 HyperJuice 移动电源。它同样提供了四个 USB-C 端口,其中两个的总输出功率为 100W,另外两口的总功率则是 65W 。Hyper 指出,该系列移动电源可通过内置的 LED 显示屏来提示剩余可用电量、以及每个端口的供电

[传感技术]Get Microsoft Office 2021 for Windows for Just $80, Now Through August 24th

While students across the country are preparing to go back to school, entrepreneurs should be thinking something similar. As an entrepreneur, you should never stop learning, so if you've taken a step back from pursuing new challenges, it's time to get back on that horse. StackCommerce Our Back to Education event is the perfect time to do it. Between August 10 and August 24, we're offering

[传感技术]Potential Privacy Challenges in a Smart Office

Illustration: ? IoT For All A notable trend in the commercial real estate landscape is the emergence of smart offices. With the proliferation of advanced technologies, including the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), it is no surprise that companies want to transform their

[传感技术]How IoT-Enabled Telematics Devices Protect Assets and Improve Visibility for the Shipping Industry

Since the onset of the pandemic, the global shipping industry has been under the microscope. However, it’s been even more exhaustive with China’s COVID-19 countermeasures in the first half of 2022, which included lockdowns in Shanghai.A city of 26 million, Shanghai is home to the world’s largest container port. It receives approximately 2,000 ships a day and 40 million containers per month.While the port avoided coming to a complete halt, extreme del