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[传感技术]How 5G, IOT And AI Can Contribute Towards Optimizing the EV-logistics Sector in India

The Indian logistics industry has traditionally been a fragmented one with a lot of inefficiencies. The cost of logistics in India today amounts to approximately 15 per cent of the nation's GDP, as compared with developed countries where it's around 7-8 per cent of their respective GDPs. This is certainly a significant drain on the economy and negatively impacts sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing, as most Indian companies have had limited visib

[传感技术]The Tech Treadmill: How Rapidly Is the Construction Industry Treading Towards Innovation?

The construction industry, which is renowned for cost and schedule overruns, is achieving enormous efficiency by gradually embracing modern technology. While many construction companies are steadily realizing the promise of new technology, they are typically hesitant to undertake large-scale projects with applications that they view as experimental. To obtain better utility from public and private investment in large and small construction projects, governments a

