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[RF/微波]特定帧唤醒CAN FD收发器芯片SIT1145AQ功能详解

【导读】SIT1145AQ是芯力特研发的第三代CAN FD车载收发器接口芯片,与前两代产品相比,在第二代CAN FD的基础之上增加了SPI端口,此端口用于配置SIT1145AQ各种工作模式以及获取网络诊断信息,使SIT1145AQ控制灵活性更大,功能更全。同时SIT1145AQ支持最大5Mbps灵活数据速率,并支持在休眠/待机模式下特定帧唤醒,特定帧唤醒功能有助于使ECU长时间保持在低功耗运行状态,从而降低汽车的总功耗。同时SIT1145AQ也支持CAN总线网络唤醒单个ECU或多个ECU组,而网络的其余部分在低功耗模式运行。 一、SIT1145AQ CAN FD收发器特点 SIT1145AQ是芯力特


【导读】本文介绍了评估"控制器局域网"(CAN)收发器的正确系统级测试方法。通过展示在多CAN节点系统中执行不同CAN节点之间的数据传输时如何避免实际数据传输问题,解释了此种测试方法的优越之处。 CAN是一种稳健的通信标准,用于支持不同的传感器、机器或控制器进行相互通信。相比于一般接口,CAN接口更稳定可靠,能够有效处理总线争用,因此被广泛应用于工业自动化、家庭自动化和汽车应用中。 旧版CAN2.0提供8字节有效载荷,最多支持2 Mbps的数据速率。有些情况下,2 Mbps的数据速率不足以应对危急通信事件,因此CAN.org提出了新

[传感技术]Private Players Can Use Drones For Delivery Purposes, Says Government

The government said in the Rajya Sabha that private players are free to use drones for the delivery of food, groceries, courier etc. In response to a question, the civil aviation ministry said about the drone usage of private players for delivery purposes by following the Drone rules of 2021. Pexels "Drones offer tremendous benefits to almost all sectors of the economy. These include agriculture,

[传感技术]FAAM产品支持线上购买 FAAM products can be purchased online

重要消息:FAAM电池HFP系列在震坤行工业超市(震坤行)上线,可提供线上购买渠道!Importantnews:?FAAM battery HFP seriesis launched in?Zhengkunhang?Industrial Supermarket(zkh360), and?online purchasechannels are available!震坤行震坤行——与超过五千家知名公司保持持续合作,服务汽车零部件、电子、半导体、LED、太阳能、机械、办公设备、家电等先进制造业的一站式工业用品超市,服务团队富有执行力和严谨性,广受业界好评。zkh360 -?a one-stop industri

[传感技术]Canalys:二季度 Chromebook 电脑和平板电脑出货连续四个季度下降

“Canalys 最新数据显示,2022 年第二季度,全球个人电脑市场(包括平板电脑)的出货量环比下降 14% 至 1.05 亿台。 ” Canalys?最新数据显示,2022 年第二季度,全球个人电脑市场(包括平板电脑)的出货量环比下降 14% 至 1.05 亿台。其中,平板电脑出货量连续四个季度下跌,同比下降 11%,全球出货量为 3480 万台。由于教育市场的需求持续疲软,Chromebook 也出现连续四

[传感技术]Canalys:二季度 Chromebook 电脑和平板电脑出货连续四个季度下降

? ? Canalys 最新数据显示,2022 年第二季度,全球个人电脑市场(包括平板电脑)的出货量环比下降 14% 至 1.05 亿台。? ? 其中,平板电脑出货量连续四个季度下跌,同比下降 11%,全球出货量为 3480 万台。由于教育市场的需求持续疲软,Chromebook 也出现连续四个季度的下降,出货量下降 57% 至 510 万台。? ? ·? ? ? ?2022 年第二季度,由于消费和教育领域的需求疲软,全球平板电脑出货量同比下降 11%。? ? ·? ? ? ?苹果出货 1210 万台,同比下降 15%。? ? ·? ? ? ?三星同比下

[传感技术]Here's How the Metaverse Can Benefit the Fashion Industry

Every creator has a style and a voice, often limited by the reality in which we exist. However, the Internet first gave birth to an alternate medium where people can express their creativity and connect with like-minded individuals without restrictions or inhibitions. Over the years, this has positively impacted the new generation of creators as they get to deviate from the norm and voice their individuality. Handout

[传感技术]Yes, Phones Can Reveal if Someone Gets an Abortion

A leaked memo has revealed that the Supreme Court plans to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision. If this does occur, so-called trigger laws already passed in 13 states—along with other laws on the way—would immediately prohibit abortions in a large portion of the country. And one of the ways courts could find people to prosecute is to use the data that our phones produce every day.A smartphone can be a massive storehouse of personal information. Most people car

[传感技术]5 Ways Technology Can Boost Your Startup's Productivity

Navigating growth as a startup founder can be tough. This is especially true if you're in a fast-paced industry like technology or finance. Trends move quicker than you can imagine, and if you're not careful, you'll find yourself in an uncompetitive spot in the industry. Of course, no one wants that.Struggling to keep up with the fast-paced nature of the industry is only compounded by the widespread exodus of talent, otherwise known as the Great Resignati

[传感技术]MSMEs And Startups Can Use 5G Test Bed For Free Of Cost

The ministry of communications, announced the government's decision to offer the indigenous 5G test bed set up for experimenting and demonstrating the applications and use cases of 5G products in the country, to use free of cost to the government-recognized MSMEs and startups for the next six months, till January 2023. The test bed was launched by Prime Minister in May this year for startups, MSMEs and other small players.

[传感技术]地平线上的曙光——通过紫外光和 nanoScan3 进行消毒


[传感技术]How 5G, IOT And AI Can Contribute Towards Optimizing the EV-logistics Sector in India

The Indian logistics industry has traditionally been a fragmented one with a lot of inefficiencies. The cost of logistics in India today amounts to approximately 15 per cent of the nation's GDP, as compared with developed countries where it's around 7-8 per cent of their respective GDPs. This is certainly a significant drain on the economy and negatively impacts sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing, as most Indian companies have had limited visib


2021 年,Canonical宣布首次推出在 RISC-V 处理器和硬件上运行的 Ubuntu。日前,Canonical宣布推出支持另一款 RISC-V 硬件的 Ubuntu 版本:StarFive 的 VisionFive 板。RISC-V,开源硬件的新范式在过去十年中,开源和开放标准重塑了我们的世界。此类技术产生了持久的成果,RISC-V 联盟扩展了开源以开发标准的开源处理器架构。向开放社区发布 RISC-V 标志着硬件社区首次在此级别接受开源标准和协作。这种免费且开放的指令集架构 (ISA) 可以通过开放标准协作以及在全行业范围内的快速采用,开启处理器创新的新时

[传感技术]Can We Teach Morality to Artificial Intelligence?

In 2002, I waited more than ten minutes to download a single song using a 56k dial-up modem. Audio cassettes were still very much in vogue. Fast forward to 2022, and one can now instruct their phone or car to play their favorite tracks using their voice. We can sign into our favorite music streaming service automatically, and it shows us the music and artists that may fit depending on the mood, the time or the occasion. One can automate nearly all electrical systems

[传感技术]iScanner Is a Digital Office on Your iPhone

Once upon a time, a scanner was a standard machine you'd find in an office. So was a fax machine — but we've learned since then. In the digital era, you don't see scanners as much anymore but, if anything, you have even more scanning needs. Fortunately, you don't need a bulky stationary scanner when you have a smartphone. Scanning documents on the fly is easy with a tool like the iScanner App. BP Mobile

[传感技术]3 Ways Tech Can Succeed In This Bear Market

During the opening episode of Peaky Blinders' final season, Thomas Shelby tells a French smuggler grieving the end of prohibition that "every catastrophe is also an opportunity." There's truth to that cliche, and not only for criminals. Staffed with some of the most brilliant minds at problem-solving, successful tech companies will find out that the current market also represents an opportunity.But what is that opportunity right now? As tech stocks pl

[传感技术]How Technology Can Support Filling Teacher Vacancies

Educators, administrators, students and parents have been utterly worn down by the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on classrooms and schools around the country. In a broken industry that was barely pulling its weight pre-pandemic, the vulnerabilities have been exposed, and many teachers have decided the only viable option is transitioning out of the classroom, and in some cases, out of education altogether.With no end in sight, this current mass exodus and teacher s

[传感技术]卖的最好的保时捷再迎换代 谁说Macan不能暴力输出?

  原标题:卖的最好的保时捷再迎换代 谁说Macan不能暴力输出?   不得不说作为一个豪华品牌,保时捷对于市场的嗅觉真的是灵敏到无以复加,除了那些传统的高性能车外,他们在最近几年中推出的几款新车几乎都成为了“爆款”,特别是中型SUV保时捷Macan,从2014年底正式登陆市场至今已经卖出了超过35万辆。就在最新,这款人气车型终于迎来了一次改款。   其实如果只是粗看一下外观的话,新款Macan相比旧款来说并没有什么大刀阔斧的改变,只是前唇变得更加突出,而大灯灯组变成了新Panamera和Cayenne同款的多